Contact/Location Information
888 563 9370
Bob Citelli
@Sales & Marketing
770 527 9055 StadiumTRAY
George Poston 125 Town Park Drive
Stadium Tray Suite 300 Kennesaw, GA 30144
Food and Beverage
Tray From Spectator Advertising Solutions Gets Advertisers Carried Away At
Leading Sports Venues Around the United States
Kennesaw, GA November 4, 2003 -- The early results are in and fans, venue operators, food service purveyors and advertisers alike are all agreed that Spectator Advertising Solutions’ StadiumTRAY is a versatile food and beverage platform serving up powerful advertising messages at national college and major league sporting venues.
StadiumTRAY is provided FREE to every fan that makes a concessions purchase at stands operated by the nation’s top food services at sponsored sports and entertainment events. The unique marketing tool allows brands to target millions of sports and entertainment fans with high visual impact and cost effective messages and promotions.
This new advertising medium has high visual impact and provides greater user convenience and a positive user-friendly benefit. According to CEO and founder George Poston, “Concessionaires benefit by receiving the high quality StadiumTRAY for free. The venue management generates a new source of revenue without risk or investment and the sponsor benefits by placing their brand and advertising message in the lap of their target audience. The concept is clearly win/win for all parties involved.”
Indicative of Poston’s assessment are recent exit surveys conducted at stadiums on opening day of the NCAA Football season as well as during the recently concluded National League Division Series at Turner Field between the Chicago Cubs and Atlanta Braves and at Philips Arena in Atlanta for the home openers of the NBA’s Hawks and the NHL’s Thrashers.
Among men responding, 93% reported StadiumTRAY is superior to traditional corrugated trays ordinarily provided with a food or beverage purchase and 95% of women responding agreed. More importantly for marketers, the sponsor retention factor was extremely high, 97% of men and 94% of women remembered that Best Buy was the sponsor providing the tray giveaways at their event.
Complete survey results are available online at Spectator Advertising Solutions website:
“We’re very pleased with results delivered to our advertising partners to date,” reports Poston. “We continue to explore ways to more effectively leverage StadiumTRAY with coupon offers, CD giveaways, and other sweepstakes promotions that will not only heighten our advertisers’ brand awareness but also drive customers into adjacent outlets in local markets where they are present.”
Says Larry Carlson, Director of Leisure Services at Philips Arena, “This is a revolutionary new addition to sports marketing and food services. Our fans are very pleased with the larger more colorful tray and we’re pleased with the StadiumTRAY’s contribution to our bottom line. It delivers incremental revenue from a source we had not previously considered.”
John Bluck, District Manager of the Sports and Leisure Services Division for Sodexho USA says his company is “thrilled to be a part of this new venture. Our operating costs are lower and profits are up at venues where we have StadiumTRAY in place. We’re looking forward to continuing to expand the use of this product.”
Spectator Advertising Solutions expects major sponsorship and new venues announcements in coming weeks. “We’re off to a great start,” says Poston. “We have developed an advertising medium that benefits everyone involved, the concessionaire, the venue, the sponsor and most importantly, the fan!”
About StadiumTRAY
StadiumTRAY is a
powerful new advertising medium that puts corporate brands and advertising
messages right in the laps of target audiences – literally. The
Company was incorporated in 2002 and is has its Corporate Headquarters in
Kennesaw, GA.
StadiumTRAY is a
superior-quality food and beverage tray provided FREE to every fan that
makes a concessions purchase at sponsored sports and entertainment events.
Given that the average length of most sports and entertainment events is 3.5
hours, StadiumTRAY gives any advertising message maximum exposure to a
prestigious audience - for a prolonged period of time. Visit he Company’s
website at